● O.D
● USMC Utility Herringbone Twill
● Cotton 100%
1201 U.S.Army 41 Khaki のヘリンボーンバージョン。綾立ちの良いSZ 撚りヘリンボーンはこのアイテムのために開発した素材となります。フライボタンは13スターボタンで、素材とボタン以外は41カーキと同様の仕様です。今回は手作業を駆使した中古加工のみの展開で、長く着こんだようなムードのある表情を直ぐに楽しんでいただけます。
These are a herringbone version of our 1201 U.S. Army 41 khakis. The SZ twisted herringbone with a good twill is a material specially developed for this item. The fly button is a 13star button, while the other specifications are the same as the 41 khaki. This time around, we're only offering our used-look, hand-processed items, so you won't have to wait to enjoy that perfectly-worn look that makes it look and feel like you've been wearing them for years.